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Bibliographie de Ian Doescher   (2)Voir plus


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And so another dies by my own hand,
This hand, which now encas'd in blackness is.
O that fingers of this wretched hand
Had not the pain of suff'ring ever known.
But now my path is join'd unto the dark,
And wicked men - whose and fingers move
To crush their foes - are now my company.
So shall my fingers ever undertake
To do more evil, aye, and this - my hand -
Shall do the Emp'ror's bidding evermore.
And thus we see how fingers presage death
And hands become the instruments of Fate.
[Exit Dath Vader.
Acte I scène 2, v. 27-38
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Inside Luke Skywalker, holding stormtrooper helmet.
Alas, poor stormtrooper, I knew ye not,
Yet have I ta'en both uniform and life
From thee. What manner of a man wert thou?
A man of inf'nite jest or cruelty?
A man with helpmate and with children too?
A man who hath his Empire serv'd with pride?
A man, perhaps, who wish'd for perfect peace?
Whate'er thou wert, good man, thy pardon grant
Unto the one who took thy place: e'en me.
Acte IV, scène 6, v. 1-9
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But like the king who fell for want of horse
This station may be crush'd by smaller might.
Acte V, scène 4, v. 30-31
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