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3.75/5 (sur 4 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Chicago , 1912
Mort(e) : 1998
Biographie :

Nom de plume de John Wallace Pritchard .

Auteur de science-fiction américain et psychologue clinicien.

1952 "Every Crazy Wind"
1980 "The Lucifer Comet"

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Alscher is a peripheral figure in German literature, both in the sense that his achievements lie in the marginal genres of literary journalism, provincial literature, wilderness writing and the animal story, and biographically, as a Romanian German from the Banat. yet he addressed some of the central preoccupations of his contemporaries, and enjoyed a measure of success in the years before the First World War, both as a writer and as a journalist.
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La Confusion des sentiments ?

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