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3.75/5 (sur 57 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Mount Vernon, Glasgow , le 11/03/1967
Biographie :

John Barrowman est un acteur, chanteur et présentateur de télévision.

Né en Écosse, il s'est installé aux États-Unis dans son enfance et possède la double nationalité américaine et britannique depuis 1985.

En 1985, après avoir terminé ses études secondaires, il déménage à San Diego, en Californie pour étudier les arts du spectacle à l'USIU (United States International University). Dans le cadre d'un programme d'échange, il retourne au Royaume-Uni, en 1989.

Il commence à Londres sa carrière de comédien. De 1997 à 1999, il est l'un des présentateurs du show pour enfants 5's Company sur Channel Five.

À partir de 2005, il incarne, dans plusieurs épisodes, l'un des personnages de la série "Doctor Who", le Capitaine Jack Harkness. En 2006, la série de science-fiction donne naissance au spin-off "Torchwood" centré autour de Jack Harkness toujours incarné par John Barrowman.

En 2007, il sort un album solo chez Sony Music : "Another Side". Après le succès de cet album, sort "Music Music Music" en 2008.

En janvier 2008, John Barrowman, âgé de 41 ans, sort son autobiographie "Anything Goes" écrite avec sa sœur Carole E. Barrowman. Elle est suivie de la publication en 2009 de "I Am What I Am".

"Le réveil des Créatures" ("Hollow Earth", 2012) est leur premier livre pour la jeunesse.

Il a rencontré en 1993 son compagnon Scott Gill. En 2013, ils se sont mariés en Californie juste après la légalisation du mariage homosexuel dans cet état.

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Interview de John et Carole Barrowman - Le réveil des créatures (en anglais)

Citations et extraits (9) Ajouter une citation
On a appris pas mal de choses sur les Animare, répondit Em. Ils doivent respecter plusieurs règles. La première : ne jamais animer quoi que ce soit en public. La deuxième : toujours maîtriser son imagination. La troisième : un Animare peut-être emprisonné dans son œuvre d'art, la rendant ainsi enchantée, en quelque sorte.
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On every trip across the Atlantic that summer, the plane hit some of the most violent thunderstorms I’ve ever experienced. I fly frequently. I know the signs. When the flight attendants buckle up, hold hands and begin to sing « Kumbaya », the turbulence is going to be bad.
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There’s an old gay saying that not much comes between a gay man and his dog. This distinct bond has been written about a lot, and it’s not difficult to say why. In a society that has not always condoned gay men having children, our dog, or in my case dogs, can be akin to having kids. And because many gay men, sadly, still find themselves ostracized from their families, a dog can be the one companion who loves unconditionally and wholeheartedly. I’m not saying that gay men love their dogs more deeply than other dog lovers, but dogs do play a role in our lives that is remarkable if not unique.
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Quoting a mother who wrote to him about her transgender daughter: “Some day, I will probably have to say goodbye to my baby girl. And when that happens, I will cry, be sad, and then put her pictures away. Then I will greet the son that will be coming into my life with open arms and a loving heart.”
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I’m claustrophobic when I’m in confined spaces—which is probably why I had to get out of the closet as soon as possible.
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'Mu-um, it's getting worse up here,' Carole whined. 'I'm going to be sick.'
'No, you're not, young lady!' shouted my mum. This ability to control random acts of fluid loss on car trips was one of my mother's superpowers. Her other special gift was the use of eyes in the back of her head, which I've heard is common among all mothers.
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Andy Barnicle, my acting teacher at the United States International University in San Diego, once told me that for an audition the key is to remember that producers don't always know how they want a character to be read, therefore the actor's job is to sell them his or her interpretation.
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I was born gay. It's not a choice I – or anyone else who is gay – made. If it were, why on earth would anyone choose to be part of a minority, part of a group that in so many cultures and countries, even in the twenty-first century, is regularly blasphemed, hounded and worse?
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'Can you do it again with an English accent?' asked Andy.
I could have done the entire bloody scene in an ancient Babylonian dialect if they'd asked. That's how badly I wanted the role.
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