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Bibliographie de John Hayes   (4)Voir plus


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E2-temen-ni2-guru3. This is the name of Ur-Nammu's ziggurat at Ur, illustrated in Lesson one... The etymology is not completely sure, but it may mean "The Temple whose foundation (temen) instills (guru3) fear (ni2)", or "The Temple whose foundation is clothed in fear". According to Richard Ellis, the word temen spans the meanings of "foundation", "foundation platform", "foundation deposit", and "foundation tablet". In Greek, the word temenos means "land which is dedicated to a god". It is unsure if the word is pure Greek, derived from a verb meaning "to cut", or if it also goes back to Sumerian, or if both the Sumerian and Greek derive from an earlier substrate. It sometimes appears in English as temenos, meaning loosely "sacred precinct" or "sacred foundation".

pp. 119-120
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Lecteurs de John Hayes (3)Voir plus

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quiz Sahara

Le sabre de Sahara est fait pour trancher quoi ?

des humains
des monstres du désert
des loups-garou
de la viande

10 questions
37 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Sahara, le samouraï aux fleurs de Yûsaku ShibataCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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