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1.67/5 (sur 3 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) : 1945
Biographie :

Né en 1945 Green est un auteur de comics underground qui publie dans de très nombreux magazines comme Bijou Funnies, Insect Fear édité par Spain Rodriguez, Young Lust, Sniffy Comics, etc. En 1972, il publie le premier comics autobiographique intitulé Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary dans lequel il lie sa névrose adolescente à son éducation catholique.

Il a produit deux séries mensuelles : Musical Legends publié dans le magazine Tower Records Pulse et Sign Game pour Sign of the Times.

Justin Green est l'un des auteurs majeurs du mouvement underground américain qui a connu son heure de gloire dans les années 1970 et son autobiographie est devenue une référence. Il vit à Cincinnati.

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Source : Wikipédia
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Justin Considine Green,that legendary Underground Cartoonist and artist, performs a song that describes what he considers his real career,also covered in his book, "The Sign Game" from Last Gasp. He'll also be prominently featured in the upcoming "Sign Painters" movie and book. (Check out the "Sign Painters" documentary official trailer on You Tube). This performance was at Shake It Records in Cincinnati's Northside neighborhood, during the "Out of the Underground" exhibit retrospective of Green's career. Justin is best known for "Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary," considered the first autobiographical comic. He also did the "Musical Legends Comix" for Pulse!, the former Tower Records monthly magazine, writes for "Sign of The Times" magazine, and did the cover art for "Play it Like You Did Back to George Street," an anthology of Cincinnati blues. Someone put this video on youtube a while back but it was inexplicably removed. Fortunately, I downloaded it, with somewhat of a reduction in quality. Enjoy(especially his work on the twelve-string guitar).

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