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3.38/5 (sur 38 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

Kevin is the author of The Iron Druid Chronicles, an urban fantasy series published by Del Rey Books. The first three books of the series are now out, and the fourth book, TRICKED, will be released in April 2012.

An Arizona native, Kevin got hooked on comic books at an early age and embraced his inner nerd. Later he got hooked on coffee, but that did nothing to ameliorate his nerdhood. He spent time as a singing waiter in college and also contributed to the college newspaper as an editorial cartoonist and feature columnist. It was during this time he got the writing bug, thanks to Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

He now teaches high school English, reads lots of fantasy, and paints miniatures.

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Je savais ce qu'elle ressentait. Quand on est confronté à la mort d'une personne proche, la première chose qui vient à l'esprit est le souvenir qu'on gardera d'elle. Du genre : "il était doué pour la cuisine", "elle chantait bien" ou " c'était mon meilleur ami et il me manque toujours". Le chagrin n'est pas loin, mais on arrive parfois à le repousser jusqu'à avoir vraiment le temps de digérer la peine qui nous accable.
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