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4/5 (sur 1 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Pasadena
Biographie :

Maddie Day est le pseudonyme de l'auteure de romans policiers Edith Maxwell.

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Bibliographie de Maddie Day   (1)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
When something started buzzing, Buck retrieved a big old cell phone out of a case clipped onto his wide belt and flipped it open with all the flair of the pre-smartphone days.
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A kindly female professor had told me once, when I was worried about presenting a paper, it was always better to be overdressed when you were nervous.
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(...) for me, using my hands with something more tactile than a keyboard engaged my brain in a different way than using my eyes on a screen.
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The room had darkened as we ate, and we sat in a circle of candlelight, the rest of the world lost to the night.
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"That one donated his brain to science before he was done with it. He'd lose a debate with a doorknob."
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fairy tail

qui est lucy ?

une mage
une sorcière
une constelassionniste
chai pas

32 questions
207 lecteurs ont répondu
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