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Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Ohio , 1957
Biographie :

Mary H Herbert est née en Ohio en 1957. Enfant, elle s'intéressait à l'histoire et à l'équitation et dévorait des ouvrages de fantasy. Elle a commencé à écrire au lycée, où elle a gagné un concours d'écriture avec une brève histoire de science-fiction/fantasy. Elle a continué à écrire des histoires, des essais et de la poésie en poursuivant ses études dans les universités du Montana et du Wyoming et au Centre d'Etudes Médiéval et Renaissance à Oxford, en Angleterre.

Son oeuvre : son premier roman "Dark Horse" est sorti en 1990 et a connu un énorme succès. Il a été suivi de 4 volumes (série "Dark Horse") qui furent bestseller aux Etats-Unis. Ensuite une douzaine d'autres volumes, toujours en fantasy. Même si elle a greffé certaines de ses fictions sur le jeu "Donjons et Dragons", ses univers et ses personnages sont très consistants et ont une vie intérieure digne d'un bon roman. Sa première série ("Dark Horse") est tout à fait originale et d'un intérêt particulier. Elle est d'ailleurs traduite en allemand, sa série "Linsha" en espagnol, "Legacy of Steel" en allemand et en espagnol, et ses livres sortent maintenant sur Audiolib.
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Citations et extraits (7) Ajouter une citation
The girl slammed her cup down and said too quickly : "Yes, I want Weir-geld. I am the only Corin left to claim it, and man or woman, I am entitled to revenge. That chieftain -" She spat the word contemptuously. " - is responsible for the murder of an entire clan !"
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This girl was unreal to him. She had more determination and courage than many of his warriors and a way of meeting one's eyes that was disconcerting. She did not meekly submit to the laws governing women, nor did she bow to the devastating events that changed her life. Although Athlone did not admit it aloud, he was glad she was not submissive. Her stubbornness and strength of caracter made her unique.
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She knew the Turics did not approve of sorcery. They did not despise it with the fervent zeal of past generations of clanspeople, but like anything not understood, sorcery was condemned in Turic society. In order not to infuriate the already defensive tribesmen, she would have to work surrepticiously and pray no one noticed her spell.
She smoothed all expression off her face and looked about for a useful vessel. [...]
Kelene concentrated on what she wanted. She felt the magic around her in the earth, the grass, the stone of Concil Rock ; with her mind she pulled the magic into her will, shaped it to her design, and silently whispered her spell to clarify exactly what she wanted. When she pulled her hand away, the red wine was gone, replaced by a crystal yellow liquid that smelled of honey and spices.
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- You're a wagic-wielder. You know the spell. You do it.
The young woman frowned. He was challenging her, she knew that, and there was no way to get out of it with her self-respect intact without actually trying the spell. Her chin lifted, she closed her eyes, concentrated on the unseen power of magic around her, and repeated the spell her mother had tried to teach her so many times. She felt the magic stream into her like a comforting heat. Through her closed eyelids she saw a dim gleam of light. When she opened her eyes, it was there : a whitish sphere the size of her fist bobbing near her head. The light was small, and it flickered, but the results were hers !
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Laying a hand gently on the gryphon's warm side, Kelene closed her eyes and extended her empathic talent down her skin and into the creature's body.
Wild, hot and fierce, the gryphon's emotions broke over her, making her gasp at the sheer force of its personality. At once she realized the griphon was a female, young, barely of breeding age, and consumed with rage at her captivity. Kelene felt barbs of suspicion and bright red animalistic waves of fear. She probed deeper, soothing her way with calm thoughts and feelings of concern, toward the heart of the gryphon's emotions.
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Kelene did not know what he truly thought or felt. It frightened her when she realized suddenly that she cared very much what he was feeling. She wanted to think he was becoming her friend, but what if she touched him and sensed only dislike, dismay, or revulsion ?
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No, I'm not trying to send you to safety. If I wanted that, I wouldn't have suggested that you go over two hundred leagues away to a ruin guarded by a crazy stone lion.
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