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4.26/5 (sur 27 notes)

Biographie :

Mason Deaver est an auteurice pour jeunes adultes à succès et primé.

Son premier livre, I Wish You All the Best, a été un best-seller instantané, étant nominé pour le Goodreads Choice Award et remportant le prix du meilleur livre pour jeunes adultes de Pink News, ainsi que l’un des 100 meilleurs livres YA de Cosmopolitan.

Son deuxième roman, The Ghosts We Keepa reçu une critique étoilée de Booklist, ainsi que des éloges de Publisher’s Weekly.

Iel habite actuellement à San Francisco, où iel regarde trop de films d'horreur.

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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
I've been mentally preparing myself to come out all over again, but I've been doing that for a while now. That was one of the things I realized early. If you're queer, your life has the potential to become one long coming-out moment. If I ever want to be called the right pronouns, I'll have to correct people and put myself out there first and who knows what could happen.
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I was foolish in my belief that grief was a straightforward thing. I thought the first wave would hit, and gradually the feelings of sadness and desperation would slip away until I found myself normal again. But I was so very wrong. Because grief is a complicated, ugly, messy thing. And it makes you do complicated, ugly, messy things.
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Sometimes poetry is more about the feeling the words give you, the emotion, the placement, and not necessarily the words themselves. But the words are what you read. And you read the words to find the emotion, so the words do matter.
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Bodies are fucking weird, especially when it feels like you don't belong in your own
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So there was nowhere. Nowhere that I belonged.
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Trois vies par semaine : Michel Bussi (facile - si on suit le conseil)

L’histoire se passe en septembre ?


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