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Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

Rich Benjamin est un journaliste et chercheur américain membre du think tank Demos, basé à New York. Il a étudié la science politique et la littérature anglaise à l'Université Wesleyan puis obtenu son doctorat à l'Université Stanford.
Il travaille avec de nombreux médias américains, comme MSNBC, USA Today ou CNN.

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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
The GOP doesn't woo minorities just for their own sake, but also to reel in the larger, more desired prize: the national mass of moderate white voters. It's like flattering the pizza-face girl leaning on the bar to get to her knockout friend.
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As we all know, the opposite of love is not hate. It's indifference.
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As more voters decamp to the outer suburbs and exurbs, those places command premium attention from politicians as vote-rich target environments perceived to be competitive. White woters in the emerging suburbs and exurbs, strategists believe, hold the keys to future general elections. The rest of America, beware: Politics in Whitopia may transform its voters' hobbyhorses - school "choice", taxpayer and private property rights, gated communities, and "color-blind" indifference - into sacred cows.
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Real estate is my only porn. Like the village drunk caressing his "Penthouse", I take the "New York Times" and "New York" magazine real estate sections to bed at night. I thumb their pages, ogling each lurid image of wide-plank hard-wood floors, crema marfil mosaic inlay tiling, rooftop access, and location, location, location. Size matters. The bigger the square footage, the longer my eyes linger on the centerfold on sale.
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Growing up in a lily-white suburban neighborhood in Potomac, Maryland, during the 1980s, I remember suffocating on endless conversations about "The Brady Bunch" reruns, my second-grade English teacher doubting that I could read, and a band of white kids often cornering me to bounce rectangular pencil erasers off my Afro. "Boing", they said, "let's try it from this angle".
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La petite fille

du kansas
de belgique
de patagonie

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Thèmes : conte moderne , merveilleux , magicien d'oz , mages , aventure fantastique , littérature jeunesse , baba yagaCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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