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Citation de Softymel

"I don't understand how he's managed to lie about his age," I put in. Corey's got to be aroun the same age as my dad, but I've searched online and I can't find anything to disprove the so-called "fiftieth birthday party." "I mean, you can't just invent an age these days. What about google?"
"He probably started lying before Google was invented," says Janice wisely. "Like Marjorie Willis, remember, Jane? She shaved a year off every other birthday."
"Oh, that Marjorie!" exclaims Mum indignantly. "She turned thirty-four at least twice, if not three times. That's the way to do it, love." She turns to me. "Gradually and early."
"Yes!" Janice nods. "Start now, Becky. You could lose a decade, easily."
Should I do that? I hadn't even thought about shaving years off my age. Anyway surely the most sensible thing is to pretend to be older than you are? And then everyone says, Wow, you look amazing for ninety-three! when you're only seventy -
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