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Biographie :

William C. Chittick is a professor in the Department of Comparative Studies at the State University of New York, Stony Brook. Among his publications are The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi (1983), The Psalms of Islam (1988), The Self-Disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn al-`Arabî's Cosmology (1998), Sufism: A Short Introduction (2000), and The Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teachings of Afdal al-Dîn Kâshânî (2001). He is also the author of The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi: Illustrated Edition which was published by World Wisdom in 2005.

Professor Chittick is one the world’s leading translators and interpreters of the mystical poetry of Jalaluddin Rumi. He is also recognized for his translation and interpretation of the writings of the great Sufi theorist and poet, Ibn Arabi.

Drawing mainly from the writings of the thirteenth century Sufi Ibn Arabi, at the "Paths to the Heart" Conference in South Carolina on October 18-20, 2001, Professor Chittick presented a lecture, “On the Cosmology of Dhikr”, which can be found in Paths to the Heart, which is part of World Wisdom's Perennial Philosophy series. This article investigates the role of the divine names in the creation of the universe and the role of human beings in perfecting the world by remembering God.
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Il dit : Bien qu'en corps, je sois loin de lui, sans corps et sans âme, nous ne sommes qu'une seule et même lumière(...)
Puisque je suis lui et que lui est moi, pourquoi le chercherais je ? Nous sommes un - je me chanterai maintenant moi-même.
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Jamais un seul instant, il ne cessa d'écouter de la musique et de danser.
Jamais il ne se reposait, que ce soit de jour ou de nuit.
il avait été un mufti, il devint poète.
il fut un ascète, il devient enivré par l'amour.
Non par la vin de la grappe car l'âme illuminée ne boit que le vin de la lumière.
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Ah ! père je vois l'océan ; il est devenu mon support ; C'est ma patrie et mon état spirituel. Si tu m'appartiens et que je t'appartiens, alors pénètre dans cet océan ; autrement, reste avec la volaille.
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