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Vidéos de Yuval Zommer (1)
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videos11 octobre 2016
The Big Book of Bugs by Yuval Zommer

Welcome to the wonderful world of bugs! Bugs live nearly everywhere on Earth, and this beautifully illustrated non-fiction book allows the young bug-spotter to get to grips with the world?s wrigglers, stingers, fliers, bombers and chirpers!

The Big Book of Bugs is arranged bug-by-bug: read about beetles, ladybirds, moths, ants, bees, dragonflies, stick insects, spiders and more! Also, learn which bugs like to come out at night, which bugs live in your garden, and which bugs even live in your house! With beautifully detailed illustrations and funny, fact-filled language, this is the ultimate guide to our creepy-crawly world.

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Jeux Olympiques (vite fait)

En quelle année les Jeux Olympiques antiques ont-ils cessé de se tenir ?

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122 après J.-C.
393 après J.-C.
581 après J.-C.

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