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3.75/5 (sur 2 notes)

Nationalité : Belize
Né(e) à : Belize city , le 21/10/1940
Biographie :

Zee Edgell fait des études au Belize avant de faire un master à la Kent State University.
Après ses études, elle est d'abord journaliste pour un journal jamaïcain avant de rentrer au Belize où elle enseignera à la St Catherine Academy.
Elle se marie ensuite avec Alvin George Edgell et ils vivront au Nigeria, en Afghanistan, au Bangladesh, au Belize et en Somalie.
Zee Edgell est également directrice du Women's Bureau au Belize.

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Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
And I know many people around here that think we are all right. And those that don't, well, we creoles have a habit of watching for other people's lives to break down, then we laugh. But we are not laughing at the people, we are laughing at something we recognize. If we cried every time somebody's life fall apart, this country would be called the one true valley of tears.
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We can't sit down and keep rehashing what people did to us in the past, Ma, or use those injustices as any kind of complete excuse for our present situation. Every people have some kind of grievance. Fighting for our rights is a natural thing, but things don't often go according to rights, and rights have to be maintained one way or another.
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It's hard to have nice things amongst people that don't. Even though we plan, and save, and work so hard, people don't understand, they think we are lucky, or did something bad to get them, they don't understand the generations of sacrifice and humiliation it took to get even the little we have.
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June, too soon ; July, stand by ; August, come it must ; September, remember ; October, all over.
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