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EAN : 9780062995087
160 pages
Quill tree books (28/09/2021)
4.75/5   4 notes
Résumé :
Garlic feels as though she’s always doing something wrong. At least with her friend Carrot by her side and the kindly Witch Agnes encouraging her, Garlic is happy to just tend her garden, where it’s nice and safe.

But when her village of vegetable folk learns that a bloodthirsty vampire has moved into the nearby castle, they all agree that, in spite of her fear and self-doubt, Garlic is the obvious choice to confront him. And with everyone counting on... >Voir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
C'est si doux, si mignon ! J'aime beaucoup les dessins et les couleurs utilisées ! C'est très autumnal.
J'adore les personnages de Garlic, Carrot et Agnes. Count est gentil aussi. J'aime beaucoup la relation entre Garlic et Carrot.
L'anglais est facile à comprendre et ce format graphique se lit rapidement.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
- What if they actually love garlic ! What if they actually find it delicious !
- I highly doubt that's the case, though you are quite lovable.
- Carrot, I'm SERIOUS.
Commenter  J’apprécie          50
You've all grown so much over the years.
You're no longer mute little helpers that keep me company.
You are your own beings with thoughts and feelings.
I'm glad you still enjoy helping me with so much attention and care.
But if you ever want to stop, take up something new, or go on a little adventure on your own...
You're more than welcome to do so.
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World domination ? Why would anyone ever think that'd be a good idea ?
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
I understand it's a lot of pressure, but I really think you have what it takes to succeed.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

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