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EAN : 9781442402003
560 pages
Atheneum Books for Young Readers (31/08/2010)
3.17/5   3 notes
Résumé :
A page-turning psychological mystery that is equal parts horror, humor, and romance, Nevermore is the story of Varen—a Poe fan and Goth—and Isobel—a cheerleader and unlikely heroine. When an English Lit. project pairs the two, Isobel finds herself swept into Varen’s world, one that he has created in his notebook and in his mind, one where the terrifying stories of Edgar Allan Poe come to life. Isobel slowly learns that dreams and words can be much more powerful than... >Voir plus
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“Gwen,” he said in acknowledgment.

“Your Darkness-ship,” she returned with a bow.

His eyes remained on Isobel as he began a slow backward walk. He was doing it again, speaking to her with his eyes. She remained trapped in his stare, trying to hear him, to read the underlying message. Finally his gaze broke from hers and he turned away, walking off through the cafeteria doors.

There was a pause before Gwen spoke.

“Let me guess,” she said. “Right now, you’re trying to decide if that was hot or annoying.” She paused, as though formulating her own opinion. Finally she said, “It was so totally hot.”
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Ce film d'horreur et d'épouvante est (aussi) un roman

Jack Torrance, gardien d'un hôtel fermé l'hiver, sa femme et son fils Danny s'apprêtent à vivre de longs mois de solitude. Ce film réalisé en 1980 par Stanley Kubrick avec Jack NIcholson et Shelley Duvall est adapté d'un roman de Stephen King publié en 1977

Le silence des agneaux
La nuit du chasseur
Les diaboliques
Rosemary's Baby
The thing
La mouche
Les Yeux sans visage

10 questions
966 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : cinema , horreur , epouvanteCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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