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Britt Spencer (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781847177285
208 pages
O'Brien Press Ltd (01/04/2015)
2.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Albert Einstein said his first ideas about relativity came from looking in the mirror as a teenager and wondering what it would be like to travel on a beam of light. This is the story of that journey ...
A Time Traveller's Guide to Life follows Einstein and his traveling companion through space and time as they journey on a beam of light from a star over 3,000 light years away to Earth. Along the way, Einstein explains the science behind everything from the o... >Voir plus
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Ah! Einstein! We all know who this gentleman is, don't we? E=MC² and stuff like that… But what does it even mean? I bet many of us can't explain it. It is understandable: physics is complex, that is a fact.
Knowing the difficulties, Ian Flitcroft, a scientist and eye surgeon (yes, for real!) decided to make a graphic novel out of a blog he wrote, Journey by Starlight. He asked Britt Spencer to do the illustrations, since his own drawing skills were very limited (to quote him: “as my drawing ability is at the level of stick-men…”). This is how this comic was born.
Now about its content. Basically, the spirit of Albert Einstein asks you to follow him into a journey through life, the Universe, and everything. The principle is great! There is not any problem of logic, possibility or anything, because all this is supposed to take place into your own mind, where absolutely EVERYTHING can happen if you are imaginative enough. Einstein presents us many historical facts and scientific figures, along with their theories and how they are linked to him and his work. Thus, we can learn about the way colors act, when the Universe was created, what neutrons are… Even I, who is far to be crazy of physics theories, I understood a lot of things.
But unfortunately, I quickly got bored. The problem with this book is that it is too long. It took me way too much time to read it! It is not the length I expect when reading a comic. Overall, it is good but you must be ready to face Physics, Universe and Space in its wholeness.

Mathilde J.
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