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Critique de NicolaK

Six stories selected and introduced by Stephen King :
- "Wild Swimming" by Elodie Harper
- "Eau-de-Eric" by Manuela Saragosa
- "The Spots" by Paul Bassett Davies
- "The Unpicking" by Michael Button
- "La Mort de L'amant" by Stuart Johnstone
- "The Bear Trap" by Neil Hudson
Stephen King discovered these stories when he judged a competition run by Hodder & Stoughton and the Guardian to celebrate publication of his own collection The Bazaar of Bad Dreams.
King said "I was stunned -and absolutely delighted- to discover these six stories. In each and every one there was that icy frisson of fear, that quick stab of the literary ice-pick, that we look for in tales of horror, terror, and the supernatural."
So, he recommended they were published together in one book.

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