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Critique de nancy11


It's a short book, but a difficult one to read in french. I was drawn into the historic element of the book which kept me sidetracked and distracted me from the flow of reading it. There is a lot of history to unravel and this took time. I think some readers may be turned off by the complexity of the historical backround.

It is a psychological novel where the the writer delves deeper into the mind of a character. This resulted in complicated sentences in which I had to concentrate more than in previous french reads. It was important to remember to whom the “personal pronouns” ( elle, lui, la le) were referring to! Sometimes I had to stop and reread a section….just lost track of who was who!

If you survive the first few chapters, which are filled with historical references necessary to paint a picture of the environment/milieu in which the Princesse de Clèves lived and have a keen interest for the history of the period, than I would recommed this book. Otherwise, be prepared for some hard work !

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