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Critique de LLCECarriat

Darkly Dreaming Dexter was written by Jeff Lindsay in 2004. This is first volume out of seven. It's the story of Dexter Morgan. Dexter is a blood stain expert in Miami criminal police. In the daytime he is kind and calm, he specializes in advancing investigations by deciphering traces of blood at crime scenes. But all that is only a simple appearance beacause at night Dexter is a true psychopath, without feelings. He kills to satisfy his cruel and obscure thoughts. However Dexter manages to control his murderous impulses thanks to his father's rules. Only kill those who deserve it. And its victims deserve it because they are pedophiles, serial killers or even worse.
I liked the novel very much. The character of Dexter is most interesting. This two-faceted story really pleased me. Even better than the series. The character is both more human and more psychopathic. There are surprises and suspense for those who have seen the series. On the other hand the story is quite long and his mood changes are very repetitive. I highly recommend this book for its suspense and the attachment to this reading which becomes addictive.
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