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Critique de LibertyBojangles

The life of Theseus, from his childhood, to when he meets his father Aegeus and then his life in Crete with the Minotaur. But a slightly different story than the one commonly recounted. Minos, the king of Crete, required seven boys and seven girls every year as a tribute for the death of his son. But in this version, the young people don't go into the labyrinth to be eaten by the Minotaur, they are bull dancers, risking their lives nevertheless every day, and the labyrinth is simply the Minoan Palace of Knossos. Still, Theseus has to survive and become the leader capable of saving everyone from the cruel and ugly son of Minos. The story ends with the return of Theseus to Athens. A fascinating and realistic version of this legend, becoming a more historical account than a tale.
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