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Critique de indithepotatoreads

4,5/5 for this amazing sequel
I'll have to re-read this one to make a decent review because unfortunately, I had little free time to read lately so it took me weeks to read this one. And I forgot lots of things...
I'm just gonna say that even though I didn't give it 5 stars like Vicious, it still was one hell of a book. Eli and Victor remain great characters that I love to read about. I was super happy to meet again with Mitch and Syd ? and also Stell and Dom, who turned out to be characters I liked very much.
When it comes to new characters, I liked June enough but Marcella didn't work for me and that's mainly the reason why I didn't give the book 5 stars.
As for the plot, it kept me interested for the whole book. Victor's condition, his desperate quest to find an EO who could help him, his methodical killings so that ppl don't know he's alive aaaaaah I love Victor a lot.
One thing I particularly liked in the book is that
As always, I like how grey Victor and Eli are.
To conclude, I still am very much in love with Victoria's writing. Her words are so beautiful ?
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