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Citations sur Une enquête de Kate Shugak, tome 6 : Blood Will Tell (3)

Mutt, irritated at being left in the Blazer, didn't speak to Kate all the way to mid-town, but Kate was preoccupied and didn't notice she was being snubbed, which irritated Mutt all the more.
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"The land is my culture. The land is my history. The land is my living. It feeds me, it clothes me, it teaches me."
"The moose, the berries, the caribou, the salmon, the beaver, the marten, the otter, the wolf, these are my mother and my father, these are my brothers and my sisters. They feed me, they clothe me, they house me. The Old Woman She Keeps The Tides for me. Raven he gives me the land and the light. Agudar he guides me."
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Pride welled up in her. Kate didn't recognize it at first, but that's what it was, pride in her grandmother and in her grandmother's determination to make things right. She was a solid presence in a world that crumbled around the edges a little more everyday, like a rock on the beach, something to hold on to When The Woman Who Keeps The Tides tried to pull you out at sea, something to hold on to while you waited for Calm Water's Daughter to succeed the storm.
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