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Citations sur All My Rage (3)

If we are lost, God is like water, finding the unknowable path when we cannot
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I’ll survive this. I’ll live. But there’s a hole in me, never to be filled. Maybe that’s why people die of old age. Maybe we could live forever if we didn’t love so completely. But we do. And by the time old age comes, we’re filled with holes, so many that it’s too hard to breathe. So many that our insides aren’t even ours anymore. We’re just one big empty space, waiting to be filled by the darkness. Waiting to be free.
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She was not of my body or my blood, this child. But she was of my soul
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

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    Une braise sous la cendre

    Quel est le peuple qui pris le pouvoir il y a 500 ans ?

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    Les Martiaux
    Les Augures
    Les éfrits des sables

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