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EAN : 9781444707427
288 pages
Hodder & Stoughton (04/02/2010)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
MIKEY WAS BORN into a Romany Gypsy family. They live in a closeted community, and little is known about their way of life. After centuries of persecution Gypsies are wary of outsiders and if you choose to leave you can never come back. This is something Mikey knows only too well. Growing up, he rarely went to school, and seldom mixed with non-Gypsies. The caravan and camp were his world.

But although Mikey inherited a vibrant and loyal culture, his fa... >Voir plus
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I was a messed up boy, and he was a dossa, both of us outcasts. But Kenny treated me like an human being, he cared what I thought and spoke about things other than fighting and money. He made me feel as if, just for a moment, I mattered, and for that I loved him.

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