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Vous aimez cette série ? Babelio vous suggère

221 lectures
2 livres
444 lectures
6 livres
95 lectures
2 livres
284 lectures
4 livres
164 lectures
3 livres
322 lectures
4 livres
190 lectures
4 livres
1197 lectures
12 livres

Dernières critiques
L'horoscope amoureux, tome 4 : Pisces Hooks..

I haven’t laughed and giggled that much while reading a book in a long time. Zane was so oblivious and lost in his bubble, as a Pisces myself I found that really entertaining hahahaha. The misused words, the inuendos he never caught, his whole bromance thing while acting like a couple, this was peak romantic comedy !

And the slow burn romance made everything so much better when it happened~

It will definitely be a cozy reread for me
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