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Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

Chester B. Cebulski a travaillé comme traducteur, rédacteur, coordinateur, consultant, agent, recruteur, concédant et enfin éditeur dans le comic book japonais, européen et américain durant la dernière décennie.

Auteur, son travail s’est porté sur SPIDER-MAN FAIRY TALES, WOLVERINE et le très acclamé LONERS, tous parus chez Marvel.

En tant que créateur, Cebulski a travaillé avec Image Comics pour publier Drain, une épopée de vampire, Wonderlost, son anthologie autobiographique glorifiée, puis Compass, un manga qui est le résultat d’une collaboration international et portant sur des sorcières adolescentes.

Il a aussi travaillé comme consultant de création sur la suite télévisuel de Afro Samurai, une série animée.

Il occupe le poste de vice-président de Creator and Content Development chez Marvel Comics depuis 2011.

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How to become a Marvel Comic Writer/Artist (with C.B. Cebulski) (en anglais)

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The tales that have been told of Kwaku Anansi, the Spider God, are countless. Some tell of of how he created the sun, the moon and the stars in the night sky. Others say it was he who blessed mankind with the knowledge of agriculture. Yet another yarn warns of how he tried to steal all of the world’s wisdom for himself. However, many believe he wore these tall tales about himself to increase his own legend, for you see, Anansi was the King of All Stories. And while the line between fact and fiction may have been blurred over the years, Anansi has become many things to many people. A savior. A trickster. A hero. A god. But on this day…he was simply bored.
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- Can we end this charade yet, father? I told you, this is not how I intend to meet my husband! All the guests have arrived and it’s everyone we expected. I don’t believe I’ll be finding your « lucky prince » in this crowd of usual suspects!
- Please, Gwendolyn, just give them a chance. Surely there must be some young lad here who catches your eyes?! If not, where else am I to look for a suitable heir to my throne?
- This is not some fairy tale, father, you can’t expect true love to simply walk through the door!
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Wanda may have come to Neverland with a girl’s innocence but it was with a woman’s touch she saved the day!
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