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Citation de Shivalee

Klet suddenly leaned over and whispered to Shen Siwei, ‘I’ll be jealous if you’re so good to those kids.’
‘Jealous of what?’ Shen Siwei didn’t understand.
‘You’re so nice to those little kids,’ Klet said. ‘The things they can enjoy, I can’t anymore.’
‘You’ve grown up,’ Shen Siwei chuckled helplessly. ‘Why are you still competing and getting jealous with little kids?’
‘You’re being hypocritical,’ Klet complained. ‘Why do you sometimes say I’m a kid, and sometimes say I’ve grown up?’
‘Hmm…’ Shen Siwei pondered, implying something in his words. ‘I guess I want you to be both big and small?’
Klet raised an eyebrow, clearly understanding the meaning behind Shen Siwei’s words.
‘Then you have to give me a chance,’ he whispered in Shen Siwei’s ear. ‘Let me show you how big I can get.’
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