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Résumé :
Waking up from cryo sleep, Shen Siwei received an urgent mission: to disguise himself as a noble negotiator and enter the occupied area under the disguise of negotiations, investigating the background of the leader of the refugeees, Klet. He thought that his noble identity would serve as protection, but little did he know that those refugees had no limits. As soon as Shen Siwei entered the war zone, a group of men sort him and imprisoned him. Outside the cage, someo... >Voir plus
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Je l'ai lu d'une traite. J'ai su dès les premières pages que j'allais aimer.

Shen Siwei m'a séduite tout de suite, avec sa personnalité, son côté badass et sa façon de réagir face à chaque événement et mauvaise nouvelle. Klet est juste le genre de love interest que j'adore, il est intelligent, taquin, peut se comporter comme un gamin avec son cheri, mais on peut toujours compter sur lui et ses compétences de malade.

Comme le dit Shen Siwei, ils sont vraiment faits l'un pour l'autre et ça se sent et se construit à chacune de leurs interactions, toutes plus géniales les unes que les autres. Ils m'ont fait sourire béatement si souvent que je ne pouvais nier que j'étais conquise. En plus de ça, j'ai beaucoup apprécié les thèmes abordés, le côté social, politique, humain... Les enjeux étaient là, réels et facilement comparables avec notre société.

Est-ce que c'est parfait ? Non. Oui, il y a parfois des choix et des explications "un peu faciles" et les sujets abordés ne sont pas forcément exploités en profondeur, mais ça ne gâche en rien l'immersion, la tension, l'attachement et du coup le plaisir. C'est mon premier danmei SF et j'ai hâte d'en découvrir d'autres !

Merci encore aux traductrices et traducteurs.
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Citations et extraits (6) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Klet suddenly leaned over and whispered to Shen Siwei, ‘I’ll be jealous if you’re so good to those kids.’
‘Jealous of what?’ Shen Siwei didn’t understand.
‘You’re so nice to those little kids,’ Klet said. ‘The things they can enjoy, I can’t anymore.’
‘You’ve grown up,’ Shen Siwei chuckled helplessly. ‘Why are you still competing and getting jealous with little kids?’
‘You’re being hypocritical,’ Klet complained. ‘Why do you sometimes say I’m a kid, and sometimes say I’ve grown up?’
‘Hmm…’ Shen Siwei pondered, implying something in his words. ‘I guess I want you to be both big and small?’
Klet raised an eyebrow, clearly understanding the meaning behind Shen Siwei’s words.
‘Then you have to give me a chance,’ he whispered in Shen Siwei’s ear. ‘Let me show you how big I can get.’
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“Are you really…” Shen Siwei sat up, supporting himself on Klet’s chest, furrowing his brows as he looked at him, “Are you really intending to go down with me?”
“No.” Klet said carelessly, “I know how capable my lover is. If you can survive, you definitely won’t let me die.”
“Are you joking with your own life?”
“No.” Klet’s tone suddenly turned serious, “If you die, I don’t want to live either.”
“….Such a stubborn brat.” Shen Siwei sighed and couldn’t do anything about Klet.
Amor saw his own light in the darkness, and when he lost that light, he went crazy. Without even thinking, if Klet were to lose Shen Siwei again, he would only become even more insane than Amor.
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Shen Siwei soothingly rubbed Klet’s head and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll definitely come back.”
“If you don’t come back,” Klet said with a serious gaze, “I’ll turn the world upside down.”
“Okay.” Although he felt it was unlikely, Shen Siwei still agreed.
“I’m not joking,” Klet looked straight into Shen Siwei’s eyes. “If you don’t return to me, I don’t care if the world is destroyed.”
“Alright,” Shen Siwei responded to his words, “If we can’t be together, then we’ll bury the whole world together.”
After saying that, he added, “So, for the sake of world peace, rest assured, I will definitely return to your side.”
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klet silently looked at Shen Siwei, not saying anything for a while. After a moment, he stood up from the co-pilot seat and squeezed himself next to Shen Siwei, wrapping his arm around his waist. “I want to hold you.”
“Okay,” Shen Siwei adjusted the seat to a flat position and practically gave most of the seat to klet, while he himself lay in klet’s embrace.
Indeed, he liked leaning against klet. The warmth was like a small sun, and the solid chest provided an overwhelming sense of security.
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“Just a reminder,” Klet slowly spoke with a lazy tone, but his words were menacing. “Those who point a gun at my head end up dead.”
Shen Siwei narrowed his eyes. What did he mean by this? Was this person threatening him?
He turned the rest of his body, meeting Klet’s gaze head-on.
“Then let me remind you as well,” he said. “Those who touch my ass end up dead.”
Leaving those words behind, Shen Siwei swiped open his room door, shutting out Klet’s laughter behind the door.
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