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News in English

Beyoncé at the Super Bowl. On February the 3rd, Beyoncé will perform during the Super Bowl halftime show and sing songs from her new album. The annual championship game of football viewed by over 110 million Americans will certainly be a total blast.

And the winner is… Will Quvenzhané Wallis be the youngest Oscar winner ever? The nine-year-old actress could be nominated for her great acting in Beasts of the Southern Wild. We’ll know on February 24th!

Have you ever wanted to sleep in an igloo? Rebuilt each season, igloo hotels are made out of tons of snow and ice and can be found in Andorra, Switzerland and Germany. If your answer is yes, you can book a room from Christmas to April.

No more hiccup! Chuck Ray, from California, said he has found a way to stop hiccup. How does it work? You place the hiccup stick in your mouth, bite it, and drink a glass of water. What an interesting invention!

She lives with a rhino! In South Africa, Anne Whittall adopted Jimmy, a baby rhino, after hunters shot its mother in 2007. The two-ton beast is usually not allowed in the house but sometimes likes to visit the lounge and socialize.
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