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4.25/5 (sur 2 notes)

Biographie :

Andy Rouse is renown for his novel and evocative images that convey the experience of getting up close and personal with some of the greatest and potentially most dangerous creatures in the world.

His international reputation is built on both his technical ability in the field and his expertise in digital RAW processing.

A television presenter and lecturer, he is the author of several books and many magazine articles, and frequently escorts photographic expeditions to far-flung corners of the globe.

Andy is passionate about the message that his images express and sees his work as contributing to the general appreciation of our precious wildlife.

Source : 4e couverture Wildlife Travel Photography
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
Great wildlife photography comes from the heart and not the head, but one great step in achieving that great image is having the right gear for the purpose. This doesn't mean you have to have the most expensive or the latest equipment to take good wildlife photographs, but you must have a thorough knowledge of the right kit for the right situation and how to use it properly.
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Wildlife photography is one of the most challenging photographic genres and requires a mixture and mastery of skills from areas such as sports photography, landscape and social photography and portraiture, as well as a small element of the voyeuristic paparazzi.
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Having the ability to travel around the globe as a professional wildlife photographer is a privilege I have never underestimated or taken for granted.
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De qui est cet extrait d’une œuvre littéraire ?

Sur un plat d’argent à l’achat duquel trois générations ont contribué, le saumon arrive, glacé dans sa forme native. Habillé de noir, ganté de blanc, un homme le porte, tel un enfant de roi, et le présente à chacun dans le silence du dîner commençant. Il est bien séant de ne pas en parler.

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Marcel Proust
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