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Bibliographie de Ann Mychal   (3)Voir plus


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To say that Emma was not flattered by Lord Osborne's visit would be to assert a very unlikely thing, and describe a very odd young lady; but the gratification was by no means unalloyed; his coming was a sort of notice which might please her vanity, but did not suit her pride, and she would rather have known that he wished the visit without presuming to make it, than have seen him at Stanton. Among other unsatisfactory feelings it once occured to her to wonder why Mr Howard had not taken the same privilege of coming, and accompanied His Lordship but she was willing to suppose that he had either known nothing about it, or had declined any share in a measure which carried quite as much impertinence in its form as good breeding.
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Jane Austen died too young and left too little, and yet the characters she created are among the most memorable and most loved in English litterature. Perhaps this, in part, explains the growth and popularity of fan fiction, for fascination with her work shows no sign of abating. Arguably, Jane Austen, more than any other novelist, has turned readers into writers.
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It was a new thing with him to wish to please a woman; it was the first time that he has ever felt what was due to a woman in Emma's situation. But as he wanted neither sense nor a good disposition, he did not feel it without effect.
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Quel est le nom du premier chef qui a réussi à fédérer le peuple gaulois ?


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