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Vidéos de Carey Perloff (12)
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Thelx08 février 2018
Behind the Scenes at A.C.T.'s "Elektra".
A behind-the-scenes look at this timeless thriller featuring Academy Award winner Olympia Dukakis, directed by Carey PERLOFF and playing October 25-November 18, 2012, at A.C.T.'s Geary Theater in San Francisco.
Thelx08 février 2018
A.C.T. presents: The Costume Shop.
Mayor Ed Lee and A.C.T. Artistic Director Carey Perloff speak at the official opening of A.C.T.'s new downtown performance space, The Costume Shop.
Visit for more details and performance schedules.
Thelx01 février 2018
Carey Perloff, Artistic Director of American Conservatory Theater (A.C.T.), speaks about the Women's Leadership Project in relation to A.C.T.'s broader mission at a reception on June 18, 2014. A collaboration between A.C.T. and the Wellesley Centers for Women, the Women's Leadership Project will determine why there are so few women in leadership positions in U.S. nonprofit theaters, and what can be done to make the field more equitable.
Thelx29 janvier 2018
A vigorous proponent of unusual classical literature and a passionate advocate of new work and new theatrical forms, Carey Perloff has been artistic director of acclaimed American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco since 1992. Perloff has directed dozens of award-winning productions for A.C.T., including the American premieres of works by Tom Stoppard, Harold Pinter, and Timberlake Wertenbaker, world premieres by Philip Kan Gotanda, Constance Congdon, and Mac Wellman, and new interpretations of Schiller, Webster, Euripides, Gorky, Gogol, and Molière. Her most recent creation is The Tosca Project, a ground-breaking movement-theater piece developed in collaboration with choreographer Val Caniparoli. Also an accomplished playwright and a finalist for the Susan Smith Blackburn Award, Perloff is the author of Luminescence Dating, The Colossus of Rhodes, Higher, and Waiting for the Flood, among others. Perloff received a B.A. in classics and comparative literature from Stanford University and was a Fulbright Fellow at Oxford University. Before joining A.C.T., Perloff was artistic director of OBIE Award--winning Classic Stage Company in New York. She was recently honored with France's Chevalière de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.
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Thelx29 janvier 2018
Video trailer for Harold Pinter's The Homecoming directed by Carey Perloff at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco.
Thelx29 janvier 2018
A behind the scenes video of TOSCA CAFE at Theatre Calgary. Interviews with co-creator Carey Perloff and actor Rex Harrington. Tosca Cafe runs from Sept. 13 - Oct. 2, 2011 at Theatre Calgary.
Thelx29 janvier 2018
Carey Perloff and Olympia Dukakis share a special message with audiences and supporters of the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco.

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De qui est cet extrait d’une œuvre littéraire ?

Sur un plat d’argent à l’achat duquel trois générations ont contribué, le saumon arrive, glacé dans sa forme native. Habillé de noir, ganté de blanc, un homme le porte, tel un enfant de roi, et le présente à chacun dans le silence du dîner commençant. Il est bien séant de ne pas en parler.

Marguerite Yourcenar
Marcel Proust
Marguerite Duras
Éric Chevillard

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