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Bibliographie de David Hodges   (2)Voir plus


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She couldn’t believe she was fleeing the scene of such a horrendous crime. She was a police officer, for pity’s sake, and two of her closest friends had been cremated right in front of her. She should have been chasing the killer, not the other way around. But this wasn’t a training school exercise – this was for real – and she knew from the size of the man that she wouldn’t stand a chance if he managed to overhaul her. He had already brutally murdered two police officers in what was plainly a premeditated hit, which meant that killing another one would be of little consequence to him.
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Lecteurs de David Hodges (2)Voir plus

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Quiz demon slayer le quartier des plaisirs

Quels sont les surnoms de Tanjiro, Zen'itsu et Inosuke en filles?

Tanjira, Zen'itsa, et Inosuka
Sumika, Zenka et Inoka
Sumiko, Zenko et Inoko

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