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Citation de MegGomar

As a trans person and a public one, the sensation is that I’m always pleading
for people to believe me, which I imagine most trans people relate to. Tired
of the wink and nod. When I came out in 2014, the vast majority of people
believed me, they did not ask for proof. But the hate and backlash I
received were nothing compared to now. Not even close. I was not nervous
to tell anyone in my close circle when I came out as gay, but disclosing this
new information felt different. I do wonder what some friends say behind
my back, what they really think when they look at me.
I am sick of the creepy focus on my body and compulsion to infantilize
(which I have always experienced, but nothing like this). And it isn’t just
people online, or on the street, or strangers at a party, but good
acquaintances and friends.
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