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4.25/5 (sur 4 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Né(e) à : Londres , le 25/08/1954
Biographie :

Elvis Costello (né Declan Patrick MacManus le 25 août 1954) est un auteur-compositeur-interprète anglais d'origine irlandaise.
Elvis Costello est l'un des premiers membres de la scène Pub rock — apparue au milieu des années 1970 — et a été plus tardivement associé aux mouvements punk rock et new wave, avant de s'affirmer comme artiste véritablement original à partir des années 1980.

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"I love to please people through food, because when I do that, it always opens up a really interesting conversation. People would often start talking about their mums in this book and being quite nostalgic, talking about the food they grew up with. Or, you know, it sparks really interesting, deeper conversations I find. Sharing food together is very it's just bonding." Mary McCartney About the book: Photographer and chef Mary McCartney combines her two passions into an irresistible dish, preparing some of her favorite food for friends and family, photographing them, and sharing 60 of her delicious recipes. Featuring amongst others Michelle Yeoh, David Hockney, Drew Barrymore, and Elvis Costello enjoying her nutritious food and convivial chat.

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Elvis Costello
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Elvis Costello
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