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Citations de Em Bailey (3)

There were two things everyone knew about Miranda Vaile before she'd even started at our school. The first was that she had no parents - they were dead. And the second? They were dead because Miranda had killed them.
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Memory is such a weird thing. There are some things, like songs, that I litteraly only need to hear once and they are permanently locked into my brain. Other things, like algebraic formulas, can pass through my mind multiple times without leaving a trace. But sometimes you remember stuff even when you don't want to. Some things you know will stay with you, in perfect detail, for the rest of your life.
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"Toutes ces questions bloquent mon inspiration", constate-t-elle. Du coup, elle ferme les yeux et commence à dessiner sans regarder ce qu'elle fait. Cette méthode lui permet en général de trouver de bonnes idées... et c'est plutôt amusant !
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le bourgeois gentilhomme

comment s'appelle le personnage principal ?

monsieur Jourdain

8 questions
426 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme de MolièreCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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