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Citation de thierrygibert

These discontents with the way that liberalism has evolved in recent decades have led to demands from both right and left that the doctrine be replaced root and branch by a different kind of system. On the right, there have been efforts to manipulate the electoral system in the United States
in order to guarantee that conservatives remain in power, regardless of democratic choice; others have flirted with the use of violence and authoritarian government as a response to the threat they see. On the left, there are demands for a massive redistribution of wealth and power, as well
as recognition of groups rather than individuals based on fixed
characteristics such as race and gender, as well as policies to equalize outcomes between them. Since none of this is likely to happen on the basis of a broad social consensus, progressives are happy to continue to make use of courts, executive agencies, and their substantial social and cultural power to further this agenda.
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