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Bibliographie de Harold Zirin   (1)Voir plus

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Among other things related to the solar astropysics, Zirin will leant you that:
Granulation is generally 1000 km in size, Supergranulation around 30000 km, p4
Seeing degrades with exposures > 1/30 s, p23
Granulation in the blue (4305 A) is much smaller than white-light granulation, p33
The photons we record are born in the heart of the sun over 10,000 years old, p100
Granulation is best visible with a 5750A green filter (lower contrast in red, higher in blue), p118
The average lifetime of a granule is 18 minutes, p118
Penumbra fibrils lie above the granulation, p120
Spicules (around active areas) are more visible in the H-alpha red wing (Ha+0.7/1.0), p157
Spicule "forest" extents upwards to 7000 km, p161
Ca-K detail is concentrated around 1A bandwidth (where plage visibility is enhanced), p166
The CME mean escape velocity is 618 km/s, p259
The advent of flares is marked by absorption in the filaments H-alpha blue wing (up to Ha-0.5 or 25 km/s), p264
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