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Bibliographie de Howard Koch   (2)Voir plus


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INSERT - A revolving globe. When it stops revolving it turns
briefly into a contour map of Europe, then into a flat map.
Superimposed over this map are scenes of refugees fleeing from
all sections of Europe by foot, wagon, auto, and boat, and all
converging upon one point on the tip of Africa -- Casablanca.
Arrows on the map illustrate the routes taken as the voice of a
NARRATOR describes the migration.

With the coming of the Second World
War, many eyes in imprisoned Europe
turned hopefully, or desperately,
toward the freedom of the Americas.
Lisbon became the great embarkation
point. But not everybody could get
to Lisbon directly, and so, a tortuous,
roundabout refugee trail sprang up.
Paris to Marseilles, across the
Mediterranean to Oran, then by train,
or auto, or foot, across the rim of
Africa to Casablanca in French Morocco.
Here, the fortunate ones, through money,
or influence, or luck, might obtain
exit visas and scurry to Lisbon, and
from Lisbon to the New World. But
the others wait in Casablanca -- and
wait -- and wait -- and wait.
The narrator's voice fade away...

The beginning of the film.
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Connaissez-vous Hunger Games

Quel est le titre du premier tome?

Hunger Games
La révolution
La moisson

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