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Citation de rogermue

So I thanked the mussel-man, took up my squirrel again and started oft
towards the Oxenthorpe Road.

The first thing I heard as I came into the marketplace was some one
calling "Meat! M-E-A-T!"

"There's Matthew Mugg," I said to myself. "He'll know where this Doctor
lives. Matthew knows everyone."

So I hurried across the market-place and caught him up.

"Matthew," I said, "do you know Doctor Dolittle?"

"Do I know John Dolittle!" said he. "Well, I should think I do! I know
him as well as I know my own wife--better, I sometimes think. He's a
great man--a very great man."

"Can you show me where he lives?" I asked. "I want to take this squirrel
to him. It has a broken leg."

"Certainly," said the cat's-meat-man. "I'll be going right by his house
directly. Come along and I'll show you."
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