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Vidéos de Iain Corness (2)
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Penelope14 février 2017
Pattaya's Dr. Iain - Racing through Life!
Long time Pattaya resident Dr Iain Corness continues to make a distinctive mark in many areas of public life in Pattaya; as a doctor at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital guiding foreign patients through their health needs, as a columnist in the Pattaya Mail writing on health, motoring and the stuff of life, and as an experienced racing car driver with a winning streak. His great enthusiasms are all long lasting, like Dr Ian himself.
Penelope14 février 2017
"Growing Old Disgracefully" Dr Iain Corness speaks at Pattaya City Expats Club

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que s'appelle l'auteur de ce roman?

ahmed sefrioui
victor hugo
mohemed kamal
najib mahfoud

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