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Citation de wiggybis

There are more than seven billion people in the world ; I'm not exaggerating, more than seven billion. Even if you go to the biggest high school in America, there are only eight thousand people. Most high schools only have around one thousand. If you factor in how many people are in your grade, and then how many people are in the classes you take, you're really only looking at a population of, like, two hundred people that you have to deal with on a daily basis - two hundred out of seven billion people in the world. Not to get all statistical on you, but the probability that you are going to find "your people" in high school is basically zero. You have a slightly better chance of winning the lottery. Okay, so maybe that is an exaggeration, because some of those seven billions are babies, some are super-old, some speak other languages, and some are in jail or something, but my point is this : If you are sitting in the middle of you cafeteria and you feel like no one understands you and that you'll never find a place where you fit in, remember high school is small and the world is big.
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