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Citation de diFunttiChro

“This all began because of their shoes being worn out night after night,” he said. He had fallen into an easy quick-march pace. He put an arm around his cousin’s waist to help her along. “If someone could just figure out what they do every night.” He shook his head in frustration. “I’ve tried, but I haven’t seen a thing.”
Ulrike looked at him in shock. “You have? How?”
Galen glanced down at her. “I have permission from the king to roam the gardens at night. I’ve been sneaking around for days now, but as far as I can tell the princesses aren’t leaving the palace.” He cleared his throat, uncomfortable. “I’ve even tried setting traps for them.”
“Traps? What kind of traps?”
“Hanging bells in the ivy on the palace walls in case they’re using it to climb down, sprinkling flour outside the doors and windows, so that they’ll leave tracks. They’d have to fly off the roof like owls to get out of the palace at night without me knowing.”
“But think of how many others have tried to find out their secret,” Ulrike huffed. “Tried and died. You should be more careful.”
“Don’t worry—I have an advantage,” Galen said, as they arrived on the Orm doorstep.
“What?” Ulrike pressed a hand to her side, panting.
Galen smiled at her and laid a finger to his lips. “It’s a secret.”

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