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5/5 (sur 2 notes)

Nationalité : Pays-Bas
Biographie :

Joris Luyendijk est un auteur de fiction non-néerlandais, anthropologue, correspondant de nouvelles et intervieweur TV.

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Bibliographie de Joris Luyendijk   (2)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (20) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
[jokes/blagues] :

What would a banker at Goldman do if he had five million dollars? Ask what had happened to the rest.

There are three kinds of economists: those who can add up and those who can’t.

Economists correctly predicted seven out of the last three crises.

Half of economics is actually very useful – too bad economists can never agree which half.
Commenter  J’apprécie          61
The American writer Ron Rosenbaum has remarked that deep down most journalists are Freudians. Like the founder of psychoanalysis, journalists believe that the most important things in the world are kept hidden and need to be dug up, be it in therapy or through investigation. Then journalists think, like Freud did, that bringing those hidden and shocking facts to the surface and exposing them leads to improvement
Commenter  J’apprécie          50
Those who take the risks are no longer the same people who bear them
Commenter  J’apprécie          60
These people don’t belong anywhere and don’t feel beholden to any national project. They want to pay as little in tax as they can, and they want to be safe. That’s it.
Commenter  J’apprécie          50
Things were looking so bad, they said, that some got on the phone to their families: ‘Get as much money from the ATM as you can.’ ‘Rush to the supermarket to hoard food.’ ‘Buy gold.’ ‘Get everything ready to evacuate the kids to the countryside.’ When they talked about those dark days there was often a note of shame in their voices, as if they felt humiliated by the memory of their vulnerability.
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
That’s the thing with the City. The 95 per cent know that only a small percentage make the huge sums. But you are exposed to that category of people, every day and up close. It plants the idea in your head: this could be me.
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
There is a fool in every trade’ is a standard expression. ‘You have to know who the fool is, because if you don’t, then you are the fool.
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
Amorality as an organising principle is imposed on us and enforced by shareholders, who look at returns and returns only.
Commenter  J’apprécie          42
They saw me struggle with the fact that in the City all relations are recast as transactions: between shareholders and the bank, between the bank and its employees, between banker and client.
Commenter  J’apprécie          30
First of all, banks must be chopped up into units so that they are no longer too big or too complex to fail – this would mean that they can no longer blackmail us.
Commenter  J’apprécie          30

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Le Trône de Fer, intégrale 1

Lequel de ces loups-garous est noir?


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Thème : Le Trône de Fer - Intégrale, tome 1 : A Game of Thrones de George R.R. MartinCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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