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Citation de The_Noir

Soft-bound 'roll' sketchbooks like this were often used by Turner when travelling. They were convenient to carry in a pocket, ready for use outdoors, or for revision or reference afterwards. A number survive, whole or in part, in the Turner Bequest at Tate and contain some of his most magical and intensely personal watercolours and sketches. The eighteen
coloured images across the twenty-four pages of the 'Lucerne' sketchbook are as fresh as when they were made. Splashes of watercolour on the cover and smudges on blank facing pages bring the working artist back to life. The date of 1844 in the watermark of the paper-maker J. Whatman confirms that Turner used the sketchbook during his last visit to Switzerland that year. The first person to comment on it was John Ruskin, while sorting through the Bequest after it passed to the nation in1856.
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