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Citation de LibertyBojangles

Along the journey I have come up against a lot of people who just don’t get it. In the past, I understood them as being ‘closed’ people, completely switched off. I used to get frustrated with these people, angry at a lack of ‘consciousness’. If I could only ‘reach’ them, I was sure that I could change their minds’. But now, thankfully, I see things differently. I see that every single person is affected by the violence of existence in different ways, and that people carry their burdens however they can. People suffer a great deal, and ideally they must process their traumas in order to reach some kind of peace. But what if your situation is too intense and you can’t get a moment’s respite? People respond differently to things. People have different things to respond to. I am no one to judge how someone has come to a conclusion. I am no one to judge what conclusions someone has come to. I do not want to change minds any more. I just want to connect.
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