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Citations de Kate Carlisle (4)

(...) I didn't like to read books on a screen. As a bookbinder, I was partial to holding the book in my hand. I liked the feel of paper and leather and cloth. But I wasn't about to judge anyone else's choices when it came to reading. Any contraption that got people to read was a good thing.
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"You're Inside the Hall of Justice right now?"
"Then you're safe."
"Are you kidding?" I whispered. "I'm surrounded by criminals and scoundrels, and those are just the lawyers."
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Maybe I wasn't the greatest cook yet, but to give myself some credit, I had been blessed with a truly Awesome talent for eating food.
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I understood that men in general were endowed with some kind of weird gene that allowed them to grill meat without any prior knowledge or experience.
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"Le bonheur est parfois caché dans l'inconnu". Qui est l'auteur de cette citation? Indice: 💃🏽

Jean d'Ormesson
Victor Hugo

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