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Vidéos de Kate Williams (4)
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SZRAMOWO31 mai 2015
Dr. Kate Williams talks about The Royal Wedding
SZRAMOWO31 mai 2015
Kate Williams, historian, author and broadcaster, explains why she is thrilled to become a champion for Historic Royal Palace's first ever public appeal, Welcome to Kensington - a palace for everyone, and urges you to play your part in the palace's future. Princess Victoria learning that she is now Queen Victoria at the palace is one of the moments that can be captured by the public for ever, and Kate has written a special version of the story for the appeal.
SZRAMOWO31 mai 2015
Catherine Sorgeiul lives with her Uncle in a rambling house in London's East End. She has few companions and little to occupy the days beyond her own colourful imagination. But then a murderer strikes, ripping open the chests of young girls and stuffing hair into their mouths to resemble a beak, leading the press to christen him The Man of Crows. And as Catherine hungrily devours the news, she finds she can channel the voices of the dead ... and comes to believe she will eventually channel The Man of Crows himself.

But the murders continue to panic the city and Catherine gradually realizes she is snared in a deadly trap, where nothing is as it first appears ... and lurking behind the lies Catherine has been told are secrets more deadly and devastating than anything her imagination can conjure.

With an elegant style and thrilling plot, The Pleasures of Men reveals the dark, beating heart of corrupt London during Queen Victoria's reign.
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SZRAMOWO31 mai 2015
A biography of Napoleon's ambitious wife. Historian Kate explains why Josephine is a mix of Kate Middleton and Lady Gaga.

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Quand les enquêteurs parlent...

— Il s’en est fallu d’un cheveu ! Sans son regard rapide, sans ses yeux de lynx, XXX XXXX, en ce moment, ne serait peut-être plus de ce monde ! Quel désastre pour l’humanité ! Sans parler de vous, Hastings ! Qu’auriez-vous fait sans moi dans la vie, mon pauvre ami ? Je vous félicite de m’avoir encore à vos côtés ! Vous-même d’ailleurs, auriez pu être tué. Mais cela, au moins, ce ne serait pas un deuil national ! Héros de Agatha Christie

Arsène Lupin
Hercule Poirot
Sherlock Holmes

13 questions
169 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : romans policiers et polars , humour , enquêteursCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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