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Bibliographie de Maxwell I. Gold   (1)Voir plus


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Across the Seas, Into the Desert, I'd Have You Again

I never meant for it to come to this - to see you in such a condition, never meant to wander endless eons to see that corpse once more, which was always mine. Long ago, in my wildest and darkest dreams, I saw your body plucked from crystal waters, wrapped in chains deep inside some closet-casket where I search frantically across the ages through the Old Kingdoms now swallowed in sand and death, forgotten to the world - you forgotten by the world, but never by me - never again.

Bloodied and bruised by the gods so jealous, hateful of our forbidden passions, they ripped your kiss from my tired lips where the music and stars created from my baleful lamentations rose towards that most beautiful, rubescent sunset cradled between ancient ruins - longing for a familiar touch, a reminder I'd cross the seas, traverse the cosmic sands if it meant I'd hold you again.
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La culture manga, niveau difficile

"Manga" est un mot japonais, ça veut dire quoi en français?

'Dessin sublime'
'Image dérisoire'
'Bande dessinée'
'Le Japon vaincra'

7 questions
147 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : manga , japon , bande dessinéeCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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